Wednesday, April 05, 2006
Manhattan isn't for me!!
Just took a walk, again, on Manhattan streets after my lunch.
It was a great walk. However, there are too many people smoking in Manhattan.
Every morning I got out of the subway statin in Manhattan, I smell smoke.
Lunch time, even more people smoking outside their work buildings. At Madison Sqare Park, it's precious to find a seat without people smoking next to you for just 5 minutes.
After work, I am dying for clean air. I still smell heavy smoke in this 2 blocks walk.

I don't know how people can live in Manhattan with all the cigarette smoke only for its convenience. Just not for me!! And it's not fair to people who don't smoke.
posted by Powderpuff @ Wednesday, April 05, 2006  
  • At 5:18 PM, April 05, 2006, Blogger IChiban said…

    Manhattanite do not smoke much, and if they do they only smoke it in front of few selected bars. Since you work in a area that is filled with office buildings, which are loaded with people from NJ and the outer-boroughs, hence the smoking you experience is all from non-manhattanites. Manhattan is 7 million during the day and about 2 million at night. So this is how we deal with smoke, from M-F we wait until 5pm where all the smokers have gone home then we can enjoy our wonderful borough.

    Maybe Bloomberg should revive the commuter tax, so the outer boroughs will stay out of Manhattan, or even have some kinda clean-air commuter tax. So next time you are sitting next to that smoking guy tell him to go back to his home town.

  • At 11:07 PM, April 05, 2006, Blogger Powderpuff said…

    First of all, it is still very sad for Manhattan dwellers to enjoy their living environment after 5 pm.

    In additon, it's deceiving to believe that after M-F 5 pm, the "few" Manhattan smokers only smoke in front of selected bars.

    "so the outer boroughs will stay out of Manhattan".
    I am from borough of Queens. So are you implying that I should "go back to my (his) home town" to work??

    Besides, I am paying just as much tax as Manhattan dwellers, not less!! 2 million people solely can never build the Manhattan we've known.

  • At 11:50 PM, April 05, 2006, Blogger Leigo said…

    Smoking situation here in the states are actually not bad at all. Wait until you travel to Europe or Mainland China. 2nd hand smoke everywhere, even in long distance air-conditioned bus (only in china, of course!)

  • At 11:39 AM, April 06, 2006, Blogger Dahtowawa said…

    In addition to European countries and mainland China, Japan is also on top of the list for 2nd-hand smoke. People puffs on that thing everywhere, in the bar, restaurant, cafe, department stores, airport, train station...etc. (I once lived there for 2 months many years ago. It was bad...) Believe me, New York City is not bad at all, especially after Bloomberg raised the tax on cigarettes.

  • At 12:15 PM, April 06, 2006, Blogger Mini-DV said…

    Teacher D: That’s not nice to ask non-Manhattan people to stay out of Manhattan. People got to make a living too.

    You probably need to wait till 6-7 pm to enjoy the better air since tons of people are still smoking outside the building after work. And honestly, I don’t know if they are from outer boroughs or Manhattan residents. To me smoking in the public is just not right.

    The city got to ban public smoking in the parks & on the streets, not just work place.

    We probably will see more lung-related diseases in European countries and China later. Who knows.. only time will tell.

  • At 12:21 PM, April 06, 2006, Blogger Mini-DV said…

    i hope some American Inventor can come up something like nicotine lollipop to replace cigarettes.

    Hey.. want a pop?

  • At 3:29 PM, April 06, 2006, Blogger IChiban said…

    Tokyo is the worst, the only smoke free indoor place is starbucks.

  • At 3:33 PM, April 06, 2006, Blogger IChiban said…

    Don't have to be sad for us PP. we enjoy life here in the city of Manhattan.

  • At 3:48 PM, April 06, 2006, Blogger eatgod said…

    ur.. all these conversations are just about smoking??? I am sure there are other reasons why Manhattan is not the best place for you. It's not for me because it's just too damn expensive to live. In addition, it's fun to hang out in the city, but living in the city is different because living spaces are smaller.

    Well, Flushing is for me:)

  • At 5:57 PM, April 06, 2006, Blogger Powderpuff said…

    too crowded, too many buildings, some streets can't even get sunlight at all, too much a worklike environment, and etc.

    Too expensive? Not at all if it can attract me to live.

  • At 6:00 PM, April 06, 2006, Blogger Powderpuff said…

    I never say I am feeling sad for people living in Manhattan. It's just a sad situation/environment.

  • At 2:45 PM, April 08, 2006, Blogger riceman said…

    hey powderpuff, I also work near Madison Square Park. Have you tried the burger shack in the park? It is very good.

    I agree with you about second hand smoke not being fair for non-smokers in the same way that second-hand fart is not fair for non-farters. Us non-smokers should start a movement by eating things that we can't digest. I'll meet in the park with a glass of milk on Monday. What do you say?

  • At 11:29 AM, April 10, 2006, Blogger Powderpuff said…

    yes, I have tried a couple times with my colleaques. Mostly it turned out we had to keep moving our seats around in the park due to the smokers.
    Didn't know you are also working nearby~~~ I usually take my lunch at late hour, after 2. However, I will try to look for a riceman with milk on Monday. he he.

  • At 12:52 AM, April 12, 2006, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    haha, this is quite interesting to read, mm...from smoking to burgers?

  • At 11:31 AM, April 12, 2006, Blogger eatgod said…

    Powderpuff needs to have more controversial topics so people can write like crazy:)

  • At 12:27 PM, April 13, 2006, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    So what happend to the farting session?

  • At 11:28 PM, April 13, 2006, Blogger riceman said…

    too busy at work. maybe after my project is completed :) we'll go for a break ...

  • At 9:21 AM, April 14, 2006, Blogger Mini-DV said…

    no wonder Powderpuff couldn't find you in the park.

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